
Are You A Be-Leaver?

Are You A Be-Leaver?

 “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~  Eleanor Roosevelt

Is it just me or has this last year been a blur?  So many changes and many of them have rocked our world.  Can I have a heck yeah on that?  When we get shaken, how do we react?  For me, when challenged by conflict and outside events, I am tempted to question what my beliefs really are.

Are you a Believer?  The Monkee’s, a band from the 1960’s, had a hit “I’m A Believer”.  I will admit I do remember that song. How about you?  All of us believe in something – the question is really what do you believe?

What we believe is based on our beliefs.  The word believe is really two words be and leave.  To be is a mindset – you don’t have to do anything, just be.  When we are being, we are experiencing our life by just being in the present moment.  All of us have had times of not be-ing present.  It can be multitasking, thinking about the past, or worrying about the future.

There are many ways to practice being in the present – practicing the presence of who we are.  Try Meditating, Yoga or reading something that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit.  When you can spend time be-ing and not doing, you allow yourself that special opportunity to get to know who you really are.


The word leave is an action- you have to do something.  Some questions to explore are what in your life has to leave?  What belief is not serving who you really are?  Our beliefs are made up of values we embody.  Just because we believe something doesn’t necessarily mean that they support what our values really are.  Before we can let go of a belief, it’s important to understand whether it supports your values thus serving who you really are.

We are all be-leavers – we just have to take the time to be present to embody only the beliefs that support who we truly are. Wherever you are in that magnificent life of yours…whatever place you are in… Don’t Stop Believing!

If you would like to explore how your beliefs may be holding you back, please schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session on my online calendar .  I invite you to download my free eBook on how to navigate through conflict as my gift to you.  Click on “Moving Consciously Through Conflict” and begin your path to move from the inner pain of conflict to the peace that awaits you.

!n-joy!  Namaste

Anthony Diaz RScP

The Peacemaker

Guiding People from Pain to Peace

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